NRPNG - Non Resident Persona Non Grata
What is it with Indians?
Specifically NRIs?
They quickly embrace foreign culture. So soon that Siddharth morphs into 'Sid' overnight. Danny dude has completely forgotten that he was a 'Dhanish' back home. In Rang De Basanti, DJ and his cronies accept history lessons from a Brit chick in between ogling women on FTV and taking swigs of beer. Everyone loved the movie but failed to see the irony of it all. Indian history taught by a Brit. The directors are right, we aren't passionate about our own history. Even in film history too,Satyajit Rays entire collection is neatly catalogued in an temperature controlled vault in Beverly Hills.
I have come across many such people. Two relatives of mine and many on the Internet. Yet they wear masks to blend in with the rest of the crowd. Because if they aired their true 'grievances' publicly, they'd be squashed both literally and figuratively. All they'd have left to say would be - "Peace - yo!".
I've read the blog of an MBA dude who calls Gandhi a half naked beggar, who divided a nation. A 'cruel' person who never cared for his kids. The great Bahraini blogger went on to pick many personalities of Indian origin. I bet he has Dick Cheney's poster right next to some FHM hottie. How I wish he went quail hunting with Cheney.
I've read a Keralite girls blog about the 'smelly' people she gladly left for good. Never mind that she relishes the fantastic fish they sold to her for dirt cheap. Never mind that she nostalgically yearns for that mango pickle which the smelly people pickled for her. Never mind that she finds most Indians uncouth. When I commented that she insulted herself quite beautifully, completely forgetting that she would always remain an Indian, the whole posse of Mensa certified bloggers crucified me. I was the one who had the last laugh.
And today, I come across the 'stereotyped' Indian cum Arab. Torn between two majestic cultures, X loves to snipe from across the sand dunes in full combat uniform. Only that the bullet always loses its mark. And X doesn't know that comouflage is virtually useless in a barren land save for the odd cacti and the friendly camels. But X wears the uniform well, for X believes that you have to dress well to act the part. So does the Bangladeshi who walks around in his unwashed kandoora in his '99 Lexus, believing that he's The Complete Emirati.
Lots of luck to X and the Bangladeshi. You are both on a ship in the sea of stupidity. Keep steering cap-tin, you never know when you'd strike gold.
I've been reading blogs since 2002, when the blog explosion began. Hundreds of blogs visited, from across the world. But I'm yet to come across anybody disowning their own country for flimsy reasons. Americans hate America for being led under Bush Jr., and Indians.....for being Indian.
I wonder why that Indian director met Paris Hilton to play the role of Mother Teresa. Pamela Anderson is clearly the most desired of the lot.

Pam says hi to Miss X. there? Dammit you rolled up your tints ....AGAIN?
My first visit, through a star by your link in uaecommunityblog.
Nice blog. relevant to an NRI like me ;-)
What do you write other than blogs?
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Thanks for stopping by, farrukh. Will check out your blog too.
Other than blogs..nothing much. Used to write poems. But that was a long time back.
@trader - thanks.
‘You are both on a ship in the sea of stupidity.’
The lack of psychological understanding; evident of non-educated facts in this highly critical psychological analysis of so many different people tends to make a comment like this seem more suitably directed at the author of this post than those he’s intending to shoot down.
On another note, aren’t you the guy always screaming about the racial abuse Indians (and others) suffer here? Isn’t it ironic that you fail to see many of these NRI’s hate for themselves and their nationality stems from that very abuse?
Do you not think that you, as a proud-to-be Indian should have a little more compassion towards those who suffer the same as you because of their nationality; possible on an even more severe level? And don’t you think by not showing compassion or even attempting to understand such things is just another way for you to insult yourself, and your nationality as clearly here you’re speaking for all Indians; on a deeper more personal level than the keralite who went on about the stinky people?
At least her argument (according to what you’ve written here) was based on something she knew as a fact. The people she came across smelt bad to her. Your argument seems based on a couple of opinions stated as fact; thrown together with a few below-the-belt insults based on nothing, no one can verify or disqualify for themselves after reading this.
The lack of psychological understanding; evident of non-educated facts in this highly critical psychological analysis of so many different people tends to make a comment like this seem more suitably directed at the author of this post than those he’s intending to shoot down.
This is not a "highly critical psychological analysis". And regarding whom this post refers to, frankly, depends on your level of intelligence. Either way, I don't care.
On another note, aren’t you the guy always screaming about the racial abuse Indians (and others) suffer here?
Yes, I'm the 'screaming' guy. And I'm talking about racial abuse shown by none other than the perpetrators in question. Indians advertising for 'white' people, which everyone but you have noticed.
Arabs, to a certain extent, do not abuse to the extent Indians and their almost-non-existant consulate does. If an Arab screws around, you'll see an Indian somewhere in the equation. I have great respect for Arabs, as no country would even think twice of allowing 85% of the population supercede them.
Isn’t it ironic that you fail to see many of these NRI’s hate for themselves and their nationality stems from that very abuse?
Nice rationale. Just because of some scum NRI's, I disown my country, and start to blend with the local population? And besides, what abuse did Sid and Danny have to bear when they got a green card?
Do you not think that you, as a proud-to-be Indian should have a little more compassion towards those who suffer the same as you because of their nationality; possible on an even more severe level? And don’t you think by not showing compassion or even attempting to understand such things is just another way for you to insult yourself, and your nationality as clearly here you’re speaking for all Indians; on a deeper more personal level than the keralite who went on about the stinky people?
To cut a long story short, I have no compassion for anyone who doesn't respect their roots. That was the whole subject in the first place. No matter how many years pass and how well you blend in, one mustn't forget his/her roots. To shamelessly adopt a culture and brag about it is what I loathe, and what my examples prove. I have never spoken for anyone, nor do I intend to. My blog is my mouthpiece and not a propaganda machine.
During the 9/11 attacks, many Sikhs who had blended well from many years found themselves staring down the barrel of a shotgun? How about that?
At least her argument (according to what you’ve written here) was based on something she knew as a fact. The people she came across smelt bad to her. Your argument seems based on a couple of opinions stated as fact; thrown together with a few below-the-belt insults based on nothing, no one can verify or disqualify for themselves after reading this.
Yeah, she smelt bad people whom she left behind months back. She needn't even talk of them when she's enjoying life in the US of A. And besides, this thought didn't cross either her or your mind - why are they smelly in the first place? take it from me - they smell sexy when they stink.
As soon as you start life in a first world country, why do you go and start magnifying images of a third world country? It's because you're a shameless asshole who wants to show her compatriots (the US bloggers) that she has left her 'smelly' country for good.
Smelly or not, she was born in that 'smelly' nation. A fucking green card doesn't mean you forget it. Which is what my post is all about.
And please, I'm not here for a Freudian analysis of these deplorable NRIs. I am not running a newspaper to 'verify' or 'disqualify' any fact. My blog is about things I see through my eyes.
Good post.. I think it's true of a lot of nationalities. Especially when they get green cards.. When they gain their green cards, they lose their culture.
And I love the Indian culture, it's really sad that some people cast it away so easily.. whoever they are, their roots will always be a part of them.
However, it's refreshing when you meet people who appreciate and identify with their origins. I spent last summer in America and I met this one girl (American, originally Indian) and she was proud of her culture and roots.
So, it's not everyone :) Don't lose faith!
pam is so passe...she's no longer the media whore like paris..sorry no do..NEXT!
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Noooo....I haven't left "Comment notification address" on..Dammit, you should've left it there for all to see. Anyway, do post what you did, it doesn't matter :-)
Ok..anon commenting set to on. Btw kaya, do you know something I don't know? Email me with ur email please.
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