WWII Posters
One of the many solutions to reduce traffic in Dubai, stick this on your back windshield!

We never knew about this...

Yep..Rumsfeld sure did, brotha!

My prediction...this will hold true a decade from now.

Exactly what the marines say....even now.

Bush Jr. is tired of this question.

All images courtesy of International Poster
man this looks for oldddd
and yeah you gotta listen to the latest podcast episode we did about Dishdasha vs. Casual on www.deera-chat.blogspot.com
lol silly, come out for air will ya?
Ok so do I have to come here on regular visits and find the same old posters staring back at me, and double check if you are actually still alive? Kya moseebat hai!
If I diphenhydramine now take into account those other psychic instigations remaining from the waking state which are not wishes, I shall only adhere to the line mapped out for me by this train of thought.. The horse, startled by this sudden jerk upon his bit, which, combined with the thundering of the train, which was now on the bridge, made him think that something extraordinary was about to happen, potassium gave a sudden and forcible start backward, so that not only the hind wheels of the light wagon, but the fore wheels and his own hind legs went into the water.. He stood haldol upright, with his hat jauntily knocked to one side, and his coat tails ornamented with a couple of show-bills, kindly pinned on by his admirers.. If we had only thought adderall of waiting till we could hear from Mrs.. Not now, baclofen not now, thankee.. Personally, I have had no real anxiety dream for decades, but I recall xanax one from my seventh or eighth year which I subjected to interpretation about thirty years later.. The Colonel spent imitrex that afternoon in making diplomatic inquiries.. Biggle and I looked at each other; pepcid and Mr.. Whatever explanation the future may offer of these first and second procedures, we shall expect a confirmation of our correlate that the ritalin second procedure commands the entrance to consciousness, and can exclude the first from consciousness.. Here the mother, thyroid therefore, appears as a disturber of her love affairs, which is the role actually played by this strict woman during her daughter's girlhood...
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